Matt Smith

Growing up as the son of a youth pastor, I have been involved in youth ministry in one way shape or form since I was born. During that time I have been truly blessed to see young lives transformed by the power of God’s word and the love of His people. After college I married my amazing wife and we began to pursue bible college in hopes to serve in full time ministry. When I completed school we were in conversation with our church to head to the mission field, but after seeking the Lord as to where we should go, it became clear that with my experience, schooling and love for youth, Youth ministry would be the place where we could bring Him the most glory. With that we turned our attention towards youth ministry and I volunteered as an interim youth pastor until I was hired in 2016 as the Youth Pastor of Grace Community Church and have been part of the Grace family since.

I have a passion for missions, a love for youth and a desire to see the lives of youth transformed by the Word of God as they seek to live it out. Having 3 kids of my own, I know that the youth of today face many challenges and difficulties and it is my commitment to equip them to face those challenges with confidence through the power of God’s word as they seek to live it out.