Women’s Ministry

The Women of Grace seek to introduce women to Jesus Christ, disciple new believers, focus on individual spiritual growth, and assist in establishing mentoring type relationships among the women of Grace Community Church.

Women’s Ministry Leader
Jena Hattox

Woman’s Ministry Studies
Women’s Sunday Morning Bible Study
  • Sunday morning Women’s Bible Study
  • No Sign-up is needed
  • For more information, Debbie Garner at debbiegarner77@yahoo.com

Journey Through the Bible Study
(YouTube Channel Link)
Have you ever wanted to read all the way through the Bible, but got intimidated? Started, but never finished? Gave up trying because you got stuck on Leviticus?

The Bible is the most important book ever written and contains the most important truths you need to know this side of heaven! If the God who created us took the time to reveal Himself through the Bible, there is no more important book for us to wrap our minds around and to set our hearts to understanding.

All women are invited to join us as we start reading through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. There will be 2 classes on Mondays, one from 9:30 – 11:30 AM, and one from 6:30 – 8:30 PM. We’ll be reading 4-5 chapters of the Bible a day along with a book called “30 Days to Understanding the Bible” by Max Anders and we’ll meet together weekly in the modular to discuss what we’re learning. There will be babysitting available, but I need to know if you are planning to bring kids with you. I also need to know how many Bible study notebooks to make, so please e-mail or call me if you would like to sign up!

You can contact Cathy Nelson at (760) 803-0728 or cnelson906@gmail.com for the Journey Through the Bible Handbook or if you ever have any questions about this Bible study.

We hope that you will use this as a resource to disciple others to know and understand God’s Word!

Upcoming Events
No events scheduled at this time
Updated 06/16/2024