Voice of the Martyrs

Countless Christians around the world are persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ.

Voice of the Martyrs helps Christians who are, or have been, persecuted for their involvement in spreading the gospel. Grace Community Church partners with VOM to send Action Packs overseas to persecuted Christians. You can help by financially donating, purchasing or collecting items to donate, and by praying for the persecuted. Click here to learn more about VOM, sign up for weekly emails, or to receive the monthly newsletter.

Med Pack items and Financial donations for Action Packs are received year-around and on a continuous basis.

Please place your Med Pack item donations in the VOM cupboards in the foyer directly below the TV monitor and bookshelf on the right side of the foyer. You may bring your donations in any time during the week during regular church office hours or on Sundays before 11:30 AM.

If you wish to make a financial donation to the Grace Church VOM fund, you may do one of the following:
  1. Write your check to “Grace Community Church” and put VOM on the memo and place in one of the gray boxes at the rear of the sanctuary. You may also use one of the provided envelopes at the gray box location and mark “Voice of the Martyrs.”
  2. Write your check to “Grace Community Church” and put VOM on the memo and mail to:
    Grace Community Church of Ramona
    1234 Barger Place
    Ramona, CA 92065
  3. Make your donations online through the Grace Church donation portal and select “Voice of the Martyrs” in the “Designated Fund” box.
Your financial donations will go toward:
  • Shipping – approximately $20.00 – $22.00 per Action Pack
  • Any items needed to complete an Action Pack
For any questions relating to Voice of the Martyrs, please email office@gccramona.com.

Purchase new items and ONLY include those in the list below. REQUIRED items must all be included first in the Med Pack before the OPTIONAL items are added. You may place your donations in the VOM cupboards in the foyer directly below the TV monitor and bookshelf on the right side of the foyer. You may bring your donations in any time during the week during regular church office hours or on Sundays before 11:30 AM.

June Donation
  • Tooth Brushes
  • Monetary Donations for Action Pack items

Band Aids (20-50 in different sizes and shapes)Dental Floss
Gauze Pads (separate pad or in a roll)Nail Clippers
Medical Tape ( 1-2 rolls)Bar of Soap
Wash Cloth ( 1-2)Disposable Antiseptic Wipes
Toothbrushes (2-4)Comb and/or Hair Brush
Duplicates of anything on this list
Family Med Pack Link

The Voice of the Martyrs

The Voice of the Martyrs – Kids of Courage

The Voice of the Martyrs – ICommittToPray

The Voice of the Martyrs – Prisoner Alert

The Voice of the Martyrs – Persecution Blog

The Voice of the Martyrs – VOM Radio


Updated 06/02/2024