
Surveying the New Testament we find no instructions concerning formal membership in a local church. We find that every born again believer is baptized into the one body of Christ at the moment of salvation (1 Cor. 12:12-13). Therefore, every Christian is a member of the universal church of all those who believe in Jesus Christ for salvation.

Practicing formal church membership is an issue of freedom to be decided by each local body of believers. At Grace Community Church, we practice formal church membership for three reasons. First, church membership unites us. By becoming a member, we affirm our commitment to our primary mission to love God, love others and make disciples. Second, church membership protects us. Accountability is established to function in submission to the authority of God’s Word and the Elders. This protects the church from false teachers and factious personalities. Third, church membership motivates us. Choosing to become a member is choosing to involve one’s self in the life of this spiritual family. It is a commitment to be a blessing to the Body. It is a commitment to become invested in the lives of others and to allow others to invest their life in you.

The path to membership includes:
  1. Attending the Membership Orientation class
  2. Attending the Membership Class
  3. Submitting an application for membership
  4. Meeting with the Elders
  5. Being recommended by the Elders and voted into membership by the members of Grace Church.
Membership orientation classes are held throughout the year. Contact the church office for the next class date.